COVID Preparedness Statement

In order to ensure the safest possible environment for our members to rehearse and perform, the Seward Concert Band will continue to follow any recommendations set forth by the Centers for Disease Control, Minnesota Department of Health, and Minneapolis Public Schools or any other venues used by the band. If the situation calls for it the board reserves the right to implement guidelines to protect the health of members. These may include (but are not limited to):

  • Require masking when not playing a wind instrument. Additionally requesting masking of audience members at our concert venue.
  • Suspending any rehearsals and performances.
  • Implement any recommendations outlined by the above agencies.

In addition, The board will:

  • Confirm that our rehearsal venue will have enhanced ventilation. 
  • Make PPE available to our performers. 
  • Review and revise these protocols as the situation evolves and at every board meeting.

We require our performers to:

  • Please not attend rehearsal if you are sick. 
  • Strongly consider Covid-19 vaccine and any other vaccines deemed important by federal, state or local officials in controlling outbreaks of communicable disease.
  • Have a sanitary means of spit disposal using disposable pads or a towel only you will touch and keep sanitary. The board will have a supply of disposable pads for this purpose. 
  • Notify your section leader or board member if you test positive for COVID-19 or any other communicable disease declared a pandemic or local epidemic. 
  • Upon exposure to anyone who has tested positive with COVID-19, follow all guidance from federal, state, local and district officials about quarantine procedures.

In the event of non-compliance:

  • We will ask the non-compliant party not to attend any rehearsals or performances until they are able to adhere to these requirements.
  • Any refusal to adhere to protocols and/or vacate the premises will result in rehearsal being cancelled.