Rehearsals Canceled in January

In view of the surge in COVID-19 omicron variant cases, the board has decided to cancel the January 6, 13, 20 and 27 rehearsals. The first possible rehearsal date would be February 3. We will evaluate the situation in three weeks to determine what the future course of action will be.

This implies that the February 4 concert is canceled as well. The board is meeting on Saturday, January 8 and will be discussing the concert schedule moving forward.

Keeping our band performers safe is the board’s foremost objective, so hopefully doing this now will prevent a longer break later. Let’s hope that the situation improves rapidly.

Go “Into the Unknown” With Us

The Seward Concert Band’s performers returned to our virtual studios this spring for another virtual collaboration piece, “Into the Unknown” from Frozen II. Despite record heat leaving us quite thawed, it feels like a very appropriate piece as we plot our return to in-person rehearsals and performances in the coming months.

We hope you enjoy listening to this piece as much as we enjoyed putting it together to you. Stay safe and healthy this fall, and we hope to see you in person soon.